Facebook advertising: How to create ad reports for your clients?

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Facebook advertising: How to create ad reports for your clients?

Internet advertising is effective only if you measure its results.

Most of advertisers doesn´t use available reports which shows effectiveness of the Facebook campaign. In this article we will explain what ad reports are and what information you can get from them.

Whether you are an entrepreneur who manage campaign alone or you work for client, Facebook has a powerful and customizable reporting system available, that you can start use right now.

What I want vs. what I need

Most clients do not know what they want to see in the report. Or, in some cases, they act as they know what they want but they are looking for everything. So, before we start, please set your expectations and goals.

Remove all unnecessary information and make a concise report that are focused on a clear objective.

We recommend sending reports on monthly basis. Don`t allow client to make wrong decision while you are still on the beginning of the campaign.

If we assume that you are running multiple campaigns for different objectives, then you should generate multiple reports for this campaigns. And some of them may be:

  • Post Engagement Report
  • Page Like Report
  • Conversions Report
  • Overview Report

Of course, if you manage a campaign that includes mobile advertising then you should add this report too.

Choose the right name of your campaign

Before starting campaign and creating some of the reports, it is important to have an effective campaign name. You´ll soon find out why! In the name of your campaigns you should include the following:

  • Objective (Conversions, Post Engagement, Page Likes)
  • Name of Page
  • Other Important Info (Event, Product Promoted)

For example: Page Likes Campaign – Entrepreneurs Event – 15 September 2014.

Objectives and Name of Page is important for filtering.

How to make report that is suitable for your campaign?

If you don´t use Facebook reports, you aren´t the only one. You probably use the standard reporting interface from the Ads Manager and there you can find out campaign progress and basic information about your ads. This is the stats that Facebook gives you, but you need information about clicks, conversions, likes, web page clicks etc.

On the left side of your Ads Manager you can see the link “Reports” and when you click on it you´ll get generic report for your start…

Facebook advertising: create reports

This report is divided on 17 columns which you can customize it by clicking the “Edit Columns” buttons. After you choose what columns you want to display, click on “Save Columns”.

Facebook advertising: edit report columns

How many likes I was achieved by advertising?

This is a basic report that should be run for most clients and it should capture the performance of all ads run for increasing Page Likes.

First, click on the “Edit Colomns” button, after that you´ll find 14 metrics:

  • Frequency
  • Reach
  • Impressions
  • Amount Spent
  • Cost Per 1,000 Impressions
  • Cost Per 1,000 People Reached
  • Clicks
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR)
  • Unique Clicks
  • Unique Click-Through Rate (uCTR)
  • Cost Per Click (CPC)
  • Actions
  • Page Likes
  • People Taking Action

Page Likes Report includes several metrics. Some of them is not as important so they should be removed from report. In this report you and your client need this metrics: Amount Spent, Frequency, Page Likes And Cost Per Page Like.

You can use filters if you want to display data on a monthly basis. You can click on “Filter” button on the right side of the “Reports”:

Facebook advertising: add filter date values

After this changes your current report will now include all of the campaigns you run last month. Now you can add a filter or several filters to pull only the Page Likes campaigns for your client.

To do that click the “Add Filter” button and enter the following filters:

Facebook advertising: add filter

Ad Name > Contains > [Name of Product]
Ad Name > Contains > Page Like

Facebook advertising: add filter values

You can customize columns in the order you prefer by grabbing the top row of a column and dragging it over. Save the report by clicking on “Save” button. Make sure the name of that report is descriptive.

Facebook advertising: save your reports

After you save the report you can find it on the top left drop-down menu.

Facebook advertising: reports lists

Are users like, comment or share my posts?

Whether you use boost post through your page or promote them through ads interface, this report should show this efforts. Your goal is achieving a specific action from the user (post like, comment, share). This is known as Post Engagement and this report should include this metrics: Amount Spent, Frequency, Post Engagement, Post Likes, Post Comments, Post Shares, Cost Per Post Engagement.

How many users visited my website?

This report is separated from the previous. When someone share a link, make a post comment or like a post, the post engagement is perfect, but it´s not the objective.

Your goal is on driving website traffic. In that case you should include this column for this report: Amount Spent, Frequency, Website Clicks, Cost Per Website Click.

What's happenning after user click on my ad?

Conversion represents the action that is taken by the user after he clicked on your ad. From this report you can see if the user buy a product or only filling out a form. This report should use columns as following: Amount Spent, Frequency, Website Conversions, Website Clicks, Cost Per Website Conversion.

Can I put all important information in one report?

You can create a master report that includes more information. This report is useful if, for example, the client wants to know how many total page likes your campaigns generated (including those that had objectives that waren´t for page likes).

Final report should include these metrics: Amount Spent, Frequency, Page Likes, Post Likes, Post Engagement, Post Comments, Post Shares, Website Conversions, Website Clicks.

How to set up my reports sending to me and my client?

Finally, we will show you how you can schedule these reports to be sent to both you and your client. After you saved one of your report, click “Schedule” button. You can select “Monthly” for the frequency and pick a start date for sending. On the end, enter all email address of people who need to receive reports. They will get a link through which they can export reports. It is important that they have access to that page.

Facebook advertising: Schedule your reports Facebook advertising: Send scheduled report to email account

If you haven´t used these powerful statements, start using it right now, because you´re running out of excuses!

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