10 ways to increase sharing your contents

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10 ways to increase sharing your contents

You spent hours and hours or even days to create the best and the most creative content. You invest your time and money just so you write a few lines of great content. You consider that the content you have created is better than most of the other content. And again, your content doesn`t have enough shares and comments. All of that effort, all of that time and money won`t matter, even though you have created great content. Here are some tips that will help you improve your content marketing.

If you recognize yourself in scenario above and if that happens to you on a regular basis, you probably asking yourself this question:

Why do so few people pays attention to my content and brand and share it with others?

This is the reason why you are reading this article. We live in a time of focus-deficient consumers that have very short attention spans and they are constantly preoccupied with videos with cats and babies. People lose their ability to properly study and experience serious content.

Consumers need to create mental shortcuts that will tell them if content is worthy of their attention and limited time. Information overload is reason why this happens. In this article you will learn how to use shortcuts so that the content you create gets shared and commented.

And remember, in this article you will find out how to better optimize your content and make it easier to share and spread. As you read, you should think about possible flaws in your content marketing plan.

Building and implementing a good content marketing plan is not easy but it is worth.

1. Develop trust with your visitors

People dislike companies and brands that don`t inspire confidence. If you are running a healthcare company, content on your website should provide advices about health. If visitor has a friend who can use your advice on his eating habits, your article will probably get shared. Use every chance to develop trust with you visitors. Also, this is the way how you can convert visitors into clients.

2. Say what you need to say, but be brief and clear

You probably one of those who consider every word and phrase sacred and can´t be separated from some unnecessary sentence. However, if you continue to use boring and long sentences or content, many visitors will not pay attention to what you have to say. They will not take actions to share what they read or leave a comment, so your marketing plan is completely unsuccessful.

So, say what you need to say and be brief, concise and clear. Your content should immediately convey the substance of what you are writing. You should use more bullet points, lists and headings to help visitor to understand what the writer wanted to say. In introduction you can relate personally to the visitor so that they know you are talking to them and their problems. At the end of the article you can try to summarize your main points.

Content customize to your visitors so that it is worth their time and effort. Otherwise, the visitor will leave your site and get back to chatting on Facebook.

3. Create a style of your own – interesting, attractive and fun

You have a big pile of text, no headings, no structure and no clear distinctions. When someone read your article, they start wondering if it was a legal text explaining a privacy policy. We already mentioned, people are information overloaded.

In order to attract their attention, large piles of text can be divided into several paragraphs. In most cases, a paragraph should not be more than 4-5 sentences. If you constantly exceeding this limit, it is very likely that you include more information than necessary. Headings also split the article into several sections. Each section should represent a mini article. When visitors scans article before reading, they should be able to tell what your article is about.

If you are not sure which font to use, standard fonts is best choice for you. Standard fonts like Time New Roman, Georgia or Arial are proven efficient and time-tested. Visitors are used to these and similar fonts elsewhere and it will be normal on your site too.

It is important to be fun and engaging. Please, don´t be boring. Try to find out as many information is possible about your visitors and try to include that in your content marketing plan. Nobody likes to read legal texts – so stop imitating them and create a style of your own. Be more provocative and interesting and infuse some passion and emotion into your writing.

4. Provide value and be helpful

People likes to help to each other, but they want to be seen as experts or knowledgeable about a subject. If your content is helpful, it is more likely people will share it. A lot of people share interesting content because they want to look good by community: use that to your advantage.

The article that describe a specific problem, relate to the reader and give a solution can provide value for your visitor. People shares visually appealing infographic, because they quickly grasp certain information without having to go through thousands of pages of research. If you help your visitors to identify themselves with your text, they will share the content and you will be famous.

You should give your visitors value for the time they have spent experiencing your content. Provide them this value and they will be happy to share your content.

5. Motivate your visitors to share your content

Sometimes people needs to be motivated to share your content. So, why don´t you try to use this as your advantage? Try one of the many “pay with a like or share” plugins and see what happens. You will get a lot of additional traffic for free and it will create organic spread for your content, if your content is valuable enough, off course. Every visitor that likes or shares the page increases the reach of your content and that increases the possibility that someone else shares or likes page again, and again.

You can also share prize for shared content. Visitors that gets you the most shares wins a book or an album. You can sit and enjoy while you watch the sharing explosion unfold.

6. Quality, quality and again quality – videos and photos

Humans are visual creatures. Visual communication represents 55% of our communication so if you want others share and like your content use pictures and videos. Content can be more professional and memorable if you use high-quality photos and videos. The pictures and videos in your content should be somehow related and relevant to the actual content.

Every image or video should show the main parts of the article. If you have a paragraph giving advice about how to improve football technique, have an image of football champion beneath the paragraph. Visitors do not read the article, they scan them. So, if they see their football idol, it might just convince them to read all text.

But, be careful, using too many visual element can detract the visitor´s attention spans. So serve just enough visuals to get them curious enough to read the actual content.

7. Provide enough share buttons to share

How many times have you stumbled upon a good picture or article, only to discover that you have no easy means of sharing this quality content? Did you share this content anyway? You probably not. Part of the success on social networks like Twitter and Facebook is based on the fact that they promote extremely easy content sharing. People will share often, if they can share on easy way. Of course, if your content is worth it.

Do not overdo it. If your visitors see zillions of share buttons on your posts or sites, possibility to share this content is very little. The reason is that you are confusing them with excess information and they react with inactivity. You should put 2 or 3 share buttons for online services that your visitors like the most.

8. Prop up your content with current events

Christiano Ronaldo spent millions of dollars on something trivial? Kim Kardashian broke the internet again today? Business partner invented technology miracle and become famous?

Can you somehow connect your content with these events? If you can, just do it!

Please, do not ignore current events, take advantage of them! A clever and smart use of a reference to a current event or even a brief commentary will attract the attention of readers and encourage them to share.

9. Use the concept of "it´s almost gone"

Start to use the concept of “limited time offer”. For example, "The first 10 people who share this content get a free book. The challenge is only valid for the next 24 hours." If your content has "cool" vibe about it, the reader will automatically create a sense of urgency so that the first people that share it on a social media will receive “cool” points in their portfolio.

Try to create your content marketing plan so as to create a sense that your content needs to be shared sooner rather than later.

10. E-mail is a perfect tool for sharing helpful content

The true is that most people use Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter to be informed about current events. Also, most people spend hours and hours using this social networks in order to view the photos of cats, babies and friends. But, did you forget that all these people still has and use e-mail as a communication tool? E-mail is more personal than a social network according to research. If you create content that the reader can share via personal e-mail to their friends or colleagues, he will do just that.

If you apply even half of these tips, you will get ahead of 90% of your competitors. But if you implement all of the advice above, you may just become unbeatable. This is not a piece of cake. Some of these advice require your time, effort and energy, if you want provide best results.

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